“Attacks on Secularism” by Algerian Sociologist Marieme Helie Lucas
11-12 October 2014 International Conference on the Religious-Right, Secularism and Civil Rights in London www.secularconference.com


Article mis en ligne le 20 septembre 2023
dernière modification le 28 septembre 2023

par Eric Vilain

"Religious fundamentalisms, all religions, behave in complementary ways : if you pay attention to what’s happening in France, you’ll know that every time Muslim fundamentalists make a demand of the State, they are very quickly supported by Catholic Church dignitaries and rabbis."

Women Living Under Muslims Law

Marieme Hélie-Lucas is an Algerian sociologist and campaigner for women’s rights and secularism. She has held senior positions in human rights groups since the 1980s.
Ms Lucas’ social commitment was influenced by the period of decolonisation in Algeria and the subsequent challenges to women’s rights posed by religious fundamentalists. She left an academic post in human rights research and teaching in the 1980s to help found the group Women Living Under Muslims Law [1] (in 1984) and become its first international coordinator.